Management of Design and Engineering
The EDWARD SAIN & ASSOCIATES group with its strong project construction delivery experience and background acknowledge the importance of having a clear understanding of a client and project expectations. We diligently work with our clients to determine, scope and document the project requirements so as to be in a position to finalise design and engineering briefs.
Our group has extensive experience in managing design and engineering which includes the detailed programming of activities and deliverables so as to best utilise valuable resources and critical time.
We are independent of the design service providers and are able to scrutinise designs and engineering so as to ensure the final product represents real value for money to our clients. Our years of experience and industry associations enable our group to select and manage design and engineering providers that value add to the project and are appropriate with the correct skills and expertise required to deliver project requirements in a timely cost effective manner.
We have experienced personnel that can, where required, identify and micro manages critical portions of the design and engineering of a project.
Where our group is able to differentiate itself from other project management or construction consultant organisations is in its ability to value add at the design and engineering stage of a project by contributing to the input on constructability, methodology, the efficiency of construction methods, timing and cost of construction methods and techniques. This input lays the foundations for project cost savings and the success of the construction and commissioning phases of a project.
Design and engineering costs can be disproportionate in time and cost to the overall project delivery we consider this stage is a fundamental phase for good management practices so as to deliver a project that meets the needs of the client in a cost effective timely manner and is not either an exercise in “selling hours” or over designing or engineering a project at the expense of the client.
Design and engineering cost are required to be delivered within the same strict budgetary parameters as the balance of the project and Edward Sain & Associates has the experience to deliver and manage this process by establishing clear requirements and providing genuine results through efficiency and clear vision of the required outcomes.